The characteristics of the pleating machine and the application of the folding machine

In garment processing activities, the application of mechanical equipment such as pleating machines is very common, but many people do not know much about its use characteristics. Below we will give you a brief introduction to the main features of the pleating machine, and what should be paid attention to in production activities. Let’s take a look at the specific application analysis of the discount machine, let’s take a look!
1. Automatic pleat height detection and control at the discharge tray. According to the acceptable endurance of each filter product, when using fully electronic pleating machines such as E2000 and HE2002, the allowable deviation of pleat height can be entered. This deviation rate is automatically matched to the detected pleat height. 2. The fully electronic pleating machine provides all computer-controlled parameters for detection, and additionally provides manual adjustment parameters, such as the back pressure value of the back pressure from the top pressure cylinder. 3. Production of shorter pleated bottom (W type) or shorter pleated top (M type) types. Shorter pleats can be designed with center pleats alternating with standard pleats or short pressed pleats marked by the edge of the filter.
1. Because the shape of the part can be stored in the memory and can be recalled at any time, the time of repeated production is even lower than the general setting time. The old-fashioned mechanical pleating machine manually recording all important mechanical setting parameters on various papers has been replaced. Taking the E2000 as an example in the fully electronic pleating machine, it not only provides screen display of basic setting parameters, but also provides A selection of so-called pleating drafts, which can be printed out and added to the reference product from each production project. 2. Compared with the basic parameters of the same working width and pleat height, the pleating speed is very high, because the servo-driven pleating machine has a high-speed device, the main thing is that the high-speed pleating machine has no swing cam, and provides a new advanced servo technology and transmission technology.

Post time: May-15-2023